Hobart Williams Smith Colleges View map Free Event

300 Pulteney St, Geneva, NY 14456

http://www.colgate.edu/vislab #totalsolareclipse
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Colgate has reserved buses to take students, faculty, and staff to view the total solar eclipse, in collaboration with the astronomers at Hobart Williams Smith. Please fill out the registration link below to reserve your seat on the bus. Space is limited to 200 students and reservations are required.

The buses are now full.

Schedule (subject to change)
7:30 a.m.: The buses will load at the Campus Safety Parking Lot.  Leaving Colgate no later than 8:00 am!  We will not wait for you. 
1 pm: Hobart and Williams Smith Festivities begin on Stern Lawn
2 pm: eclipse begins. We will arrive early to HWS, you will have time to visit downtown where there is a festival
3:21 pm: Totality Begins
4:00-4:30 pm: We will be leavinge Hobart and William Smith as soon as Totality is over. Try to get on the bus you came in on.  There will be QR codes for you to sign in and out so I know everyone is on and off the bus.  Traffic will be heavy so expect to arrive back at Colgate late.  

We will be gathering with the food truck at the Observatory on campus located here:
 42.851407083784, -76.98509590549887

We will then head over to one of the fields near the library and quad to view the eclipse.

What to Bring
layered clothes
plenty of water to last all day
any medications you need
Eclipse Glasses will be provided

Brake From the Grind food truck is available. You will receive one voucher for a free meal. Bring extra money if you want more.  Bring extra water and snacks.  I will have some bottles of water available on the buses.  

We will be watching the eclipse from the HWS campus near the dining hall so plenty of facilities are available:   HWS events start at 1p.m. on the campus, and the eclipse begins at 2:07 pm.

Looks like we will have partly cloudy skies at this point, this keeps changing so we will update as we get closer.  It may be in the 60s so dress accordingly.

Please let me know ASAP if you no longer can go on the bus as well.


A special thanks goes out to the offices of Dean of College, Dean of Students, C.O.V.E., Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy, and Information Technology Services for their generous donations to help fund this trip.

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