1819 Oak Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA

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This presentation will be both a discussion and group dialogue, and it is aimed to be interactive and audience centered. The presentation will focus on the relationship between the African community and the Black American communities in the United States and will touch on stereotypes and detrimental perceptions that are often perpetuated and stifle ascension within these two communities. We will also hold a discussion surrounding how these two communities navigate various spaces and explain topics like “Internalized Racism”, the "model minority" title, the attribution of "Laziness" to African Americans, and Racism within Africa as an entire continent (looking at specific countries in examples) and the United States. The end goal of this presentation would be to educate ourselves and other members of Colgate about how we can do our part to improve the social distance between both communities and also, how we can unlearn biases within ourselves and teach others around us to do the same.

Presenters: Clementina Aboagye class of 2025, is from the Bronx, New York City, and attended Beacon High School in Manhattan. She is originally from Ghana, West Africa, but has been living in the U.S. for over 10 years now. Clementina is an International Relations major with a minor in French on the Pre-Law track aspires to become an Employment-Based Immigration Lawyer and one day work at the United Nations contributing towards Humanitarian aid. She is a singer, dancer, actress, and public speaker and loves to engage with different people and learn from others. At Colgate, she works at the Office of Career Services as a Peer Career Advisor, is on the core of the Black Student Union as a First Year Representative and on the core of the African Student Union as an inter-Club Liaison. In addition, Clementina is in two dance groups at Colgate; Melanated and Latin American Dance and also a part of the Colgate Debate Society.

Joan Jatto class of 2025 is from New Jersey but grew up in Nigeria. Joan is studying Biology & Global and Public Environmental Health at Colgate with the hope to become a Doctor and own a Non Profit Organization dedicated to helping less privileged people and for a better community. On campus, Joan is an Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) Scholar. She was a Student Council Commons leader for Colgate Mabel Dart Colegrove Commons, is the Assistant Director of DEI Initiatives for the Colgate Global Health Coalition, the Social Chair for African Student Union, and is a Career Ambassador for Career Services.

Nadia Musyimi (She/Her) class of 2025 is from Silver Spring, Maryland. She is an Economics Major English and a Political Science Minor, and career wise she would want to be in Financial Technology/ General Business Administration. She is the BSU Secretary and currently involved in the Colgate Investment Group. Her future goals would be to be financial stable and to overall be able to take care of herself & her family.

Rahneke Worrell (he/him) class of 2025 is an Economics major with a minor in Political Science. He is interested in Politics, Creative Writing, and Activism in politics. At Colgate, he is the Social Chair of BSU and the Treasurer of CSA.

A complete list of our social justice summit workshops can be found on our website.

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