1819 Oak Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA

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Take a stroll back through time along the edge of The Petrified Woods, an outdoor exhibition of beautifully preserved fossilized wood from trees that grew in the ancient forests of Madagascar, Indonesia and Arizona. These forests date back in earth history to more than 220 million years ago – to Triassic time, the beginning of the age of the dinosaurs. One specimen in the exhibit (on loan from the New York State Museum) is the fossil remains of one of the first trees to grow on earth, in one of the oldest forests on earth – the Gilboa Forest – dating back an astounding 385 million years. Come any time of the day, but the colors are particularly vibrant toward late afternoon, when the sun is low in the sky.

The outdoor exhibition is located adjacent to the stairway leading down from the O’Connor Campus Center (the “Coop”) to the front entrance of the Robert H.N. Ho Science Center.

Support for the exhibition was provided by the J.H. TenEyck Burr and the Mortimer C. Howe Endowment Funds.

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