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New. Normal. What do these words connote separately? Or in adjacency: new normal? What comes into view when the two words are cleaved in opposition: new/normal? What if we read the slash (/) as the tension between change and the status quo? Or imagine the slash as a scar evoking the memory of trauma or as a suture closing a wound. Does the slash create or force a binary one-or-the-other option? Considered capaciously, what does New/Normal excite in your imaginative, expressive, creative work? We want to consider that work for inclusion in the Department of Theater’s 2nd annual Colgate Festival Gallery: The New/Normal Diaries

The Colgate University Department of Theater invites submissions of New/Normal -related short plays, monologues, video work, dance, visual art, and any other modes of artistic expression for inclusion in New/Normal Diaries, a virtual gallery of new (and by no means necessarily “normal”) works which explore, express, interrogate, trouble, embrace, and/or negate the possibilities and impossibilities of New/Normal.

We want your best and boldest creations!

Selected pieces will be presented beginning October 22, 2021.

There will be two Zoom information sessions: April 28 and September 1. 

To join the information session on April 28 at 5:15 PM, please contact for the Zoom meeting link. 

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