1819 Oak Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA

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Shion Guha from the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at Marquette University, will speak. We face policies and consequences of algorithmic decisions in most facets of daily life. Largely, we do not know how these algorithms are designed, applied and how policies are created based on them. In this talk, Shion will present a mixed methods study of the practices, policies and perceptions of algorithmic policing in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Using publicly available data over a 12 year period (2005-2016), he will show how common algorithmic practices by city crime analysts diverge from statistical best practices and investigate this differential by visualizing potential demographic biases and conducting semi-structured interviews of 11 city stakeholders. Results suggest that algorithmic opacity, funding and pol- icy apathy contribute towards this discrepancy which in turn affects future policing policies. Further, he provides directions towards understanding ethics, transparency and accountability in the design and implementation of algorithms and outline a research agenda for a more human-centered understanding of algorithmic practices. A reception will follow the talk.

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