How does the Japanese Tea Ceremony fit into Liberal Arts education?
Tuesday, February 13, 2024 4pm to 5:30pm
About this Event
Yukari Hirata, Harrington and Shirley Drake Chair in the Humanities; Professor and Chair, Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures; Director, Linguistics Program;
Co-Director, Center for Language and Brain
“How does the Japanese Tea Ceremony fit into Liberal Arts education?”
I have been exploring ways to introduce the Japanese tea ceremony as a compelling vehicle for students’ cultural study and embodied learning at Colgate. I will talk about findings from my semester-long tea ceremony practice in Kyoto, my recent tea room renovation project at Colgate by bringing specialists from Japan, and students’ experiential learning in Lawrence Hall. Finally, I will perform a portion of the tea ceremony in the new tea room as a demonstration of multimodal experience, and hope that someone from the audience can be the guest to receive a bowl of tea.
All are welcome.
Refreshments provided.
Reception begins at 4 PM. Lecture begins at 4:15 PM.
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