Colgate Memorial Chapel , Basement
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Colgate’s Heretics Club lunch discussion series was created to elevate the conversation on campus about life’s “big questions.”

Our spring 2025 theme: We Disagree! (But We Do It Well!)

Discussions begin at noon in the Chapel Basement.

Lunch is provided. All are welcome!

FEB 6th:  Building Trust Across Difference
How do we engage across difference in productive ways? In a time of intense polarization, this can seem impossible, but it is more important than ever. Join us for a conversation with Simon Greer, social entrepreneur and founder of Bridging the Gap.

FEB 20th: Disagreeing Well with Our Political “Frenemies”
Do you have friends whose politics you disagree with? Join us for a student-hosted conversation about ideological bubbles, political frenemies, and the importance of cultivating relationships with people who see the world differently than you.

MARCH 6th:  Disagreeing Well in the University (feat. President Casey!)
Colgate’s mission statement focuses on the importance of cultivating open inquiry, mutual understanding, and a broadened perspective. Join us for a conversation with our own Brian Casey, who will talk about the key role that “civil disagreement” plays in this mission.

APRIL 3:  What Does It Look Like to “Disagree” with Yourself?
Have you ever experienced a dramatic change in your worldview? How did you make sense of it? Join us for a conversation with Sohrab Ahmari, editor of UnHerd and author of From Fire, By Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith (2019) and Tyranny Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty—and What To Do About It (2023).

APRIL 24th:  Disagreeing Well Across Religious Difference
Religious differences have created some of humankind’s most longstanding disagreements. Join us for a conversation with Colgate’s Chaplains, Rabbi Barry Baron and Imam Ahmet Celik, about disagreeing well across religious difference.

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