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The Division of Social Sciences Fall 2024 Luncheon Seminar Series (Brown Bags) Presents:

November 7th- 12-1pm in 27 Persson Auditorium

Seonyoung (Young) Park (ECON)

Assistant Professor of Economics

Title: Recent Trends in Labor Supply Decisions among Married Couples in the U.S.

Description: Based on data from the Current Population Survey and the American Time Use Survey, we document that since the late 1990s, married women with children have increased their working hours more than those without children; married men with children have reduced their labor supply more than their counterparts without children and have increased the time spent on childcare; and married women have not reduced their fertility rates, but have delayed their childbirth. By developing a two-earner life-cycle model, we find that the decreased gender wage gap and increased uncertainty in husbands’ wages are two main drivers of these recent trends. Notably, the effect of the reduced gender wage gap on labor supply decisions is particularly pronounced for households with children. In response to the reduced gender wage gap, married women with children increase their annual work hours by 15%, while married men with children reduce their work hours by 7% and increase their childcare time by 5%. It is estimated that 22%

of the increase in married mothers’ work hours, induced by the reduced gender wage gap, is accounted for

by the increased childcare time among married fathers, highlighting the importance of substitutability between mothers’ and fathers’; childcare time. In contrast, the increased uncertainty in husbands’ wages leads to a similar increase in work hours for all women, regardless of the presence of children. Lastly, a decrease in childcare costs increases both mothers’ and fathers’ work hours, while decreasing their childcare hours and leading to an increase in the fertility rate.

Lunch provided while supplies last.



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