Wednesday, September 18, 2024 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
McGregory Hall, Academic Dr, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA you interested in integrating statistics in your courses? Looking to provide students with easy to use tools and resources? The Data Science Collaboratory at Colgate University has worked to develop software that addresses barriers to teaching and learning quality statistical practice and accompanying materials for guiding the learning of foundational concepts in statistics. Colleagues in the Collaboratory have created a series of advanced case studies that instructors can use to guide quantitative analyses in courses that use statistics. In this teaching table, we will discuss the interactive R Shiny web apps we developed to conduct technically sound statistical analyses that empower instructors and students. These free resources provide exposure to current quantitative research and equip users with the skills to select, apply, and interpret appropriate techniques in real-world contexts, regardless of their prior mathematical or coding experience.
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