Little Hall, Hamilton, NY 13346, USA

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Join us for a personal and contemporary interpretation of the Christian Seven Deadly Sins.

The seven deadly sins first appeared in Roman Catholicism in the 6th Century. The biblical terminology suggests that sin has three aspects: disobedience to or breach of the law, violation of relationships with people, and rebellion against God, which is the most basic concept.

The seven sins are:

  • Lust: Have intense desire or need; adultery, rape, wet dreams, seduction, unnatural vice, and fornication
  • Gluttony: Exceeding the necessary; intemperate eating
  • Sloth: laziness, sluggishness, or avoidance of activity or exertion
  • Wrath: Strong vengeful anger or indignation; uncontrolled anger, rage, and hatred
  • Envy: Hurt, insecurity, and loneliness, can be disguised as anger, bitterness, and resentment
  • Pride: Self worship and self-preservation at all and any cost
  • Greed: Ruthless self-seeking and an arrogant assumption that others and things exist for one’s own benefit

The sins have been interpreted and re-interpreted through both religious and modern parody perspectives. 

This project by Asianna Sample interprets the seven deadly sins on a personal and contemporary level, highlighting the personal struggle and ease of committing at least one sin without intention. Each of the drawings consist of an animal that embodies the metaphorical meaning of each sin in natural form. No matter one’s personal beliefs or self-expectations there isn’t a way to prevent sinning in everyday life. Every action, every thought and every feeling that makes us human encourages sin.

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